Drilling Introduction Course for Terrafame geologists

Probably one of the first of a kind – if not the very first – an introduction course for geologists took place at KATI premises in Kalajoki. Eight well-motivated geologist and technicians from Finnish mining company Terrafame Oy attendend the one and half-day introduction.

The course participants and some of KATI staff in the picture. KATI drill rig on the background.

The background and driving factor for the establishment of this course came from Terrafame’s Chief mine Geologist David Garcia. Kati has just recently completed a drilling program in Terrafame’s mine area and a new drilling program is just about to start, so the topic is somewhat ”a hot potato”.

Project Geologist Anssi Mäkisalo, who attended the course, says:

”Geologists’ knowledge on drilling comes traditionally from experience only, but that doesn’t need to be so. In the best case, few days of lectures and practicals can bypass years of trial and error. The course once again underlined the importance of good communication between drillers and geologists. Time, money and annoyance can be saved when the two parties better understand each other’s goals and work methods.

We left Kalajoki much more knowledgeable on the challenges and possibilities in exploration drilling. Big thank you to Markku Ojala and the KATI team!”

During the course all the basics of drilling was covered, but also additional elements were included such like hole surveys, closed recirculation and many others. The idea was to give geologists more tools to plan, supervise and cooperate with drillers which without a doubt will lead to smoothly running drilling campaigns.

“It is of paramount importance that both geologists and drilling technicians are aware of each other’s strengths and weaknesses. Knowing which challenges we all face during the course of our tasks, improves the effectiveness of a campaign and also lowers the related occupational hazards to which we are all exposed. I congratulate Oy Kati Ab on its initiative on piloting with us the first Diamond drilling course for geologists” David Garcia, Chief Mine Geologist – Terrafame

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